WSL WSL2 Where are my files?

By | 2022/04/02

I made a directory in WSL2: “/home/jvr/scala3”
and want to copy the “build.sbt”-file and the “project”-folder from Windows.
There is a “network-share” called “\\wsl$” to access the directory inside WSL2.

So just copy the files/folder to \\wsl$\Debian\home\jvr\scala3 with the Windows-filemanager,
(I use the Debian distro) and then convert them to Linux line-endings,
using “dos2unix” (install, as root: apt-get install dos2unix).

Running SBT:

Testing some Scala 3 code:

Or using Ammonite:

Physical data storage location is inside “ext4.vhdx”-files: